The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee is inviting elected officials, community groups and residents to join it in raising awareness of invisible disabilities and finding ways to be more inclusive.
Invisible No More – An Accessibility Forum on Oct. 19 will feature keynote speaker Julie Sawchuk and include presentations by the Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor Essex and Community Living Essex County. The focus of the forum is learning about invisible disabilities and ways to be more inclusive of those who have them.
Sawchuk is an accessibility strategist and storyteller who turned from teaching high school science to educating people about the importance of accessible spaces after sustaining a spinal cord injury in 2015. She is the best-selling author of books on accessible spaces, was consulted on the development of the National Building Code and was appointed chair of the Standards Development Committee leading Ontario’s review of accessibility standards for outdoor spaces.
“We all have a part to play in creating a world where people with disabilities don’t have to expend extra energy to simply do life. When we apply this community-wide, the impact is massive,” says Sawchuk’s website. “It means that people with disabilities can contribute to their communities in a way they choose – through working, parenting, volunteering and living their lives the way they want.”
The forum is being held Thursday, Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Heritage Park Alliance, 2501 Concession Road 6, in LaSalle. Tickets are $70 per person and lunch will be provided. Register online at countyofessex.ca/accessibility-forum. The deadline for registering is Oct. 5.
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